Pretty right? It's my current desktop wallpaper on my lappy, it just reminds me of how true it is that we only live once. Just hopped over to fb and found out something, and yeah it made me have this whirl of emotions that I been avoiding. Hate the fact that no matter how long I take, I keep expecting people to feel the same way as I do, even after all that shit. I thought you'd handle stuff as suavely as I did but nah, nothing but disappointment. Perhaps I should not build such standards that I want from people and I'll probably feel better when things go the opposite. I'm sorry but I can't just 'get over it'. I'm not like you. Things happen means happen alr, you don't just put it behind you and move on, not for me at least. And I wish you good luck, hope you find joy in whatever you're still doing now and lastly, stop making promises to stuff you know you'll never fulfill. Ciao
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