Back on track....
It was a sleepy Saturday morning. Met ting at Starbucks @ Central after her outdoor camera class at the area. Stole some sips of her hot white choc coffee, shopped around and left for Vivocity at about 1pm. Reached harbor front only to know that the ship will be open for visiting only in the evening that day:( So we went to have lunch and shopped around the mall to pass time. That few hours really felt as though time was crawling*_*

But lucky us! saw that the ship was already open while we were snapping pics outside the mall, it opened earlier than expected cause the ship captain allowed for it:)

Our hearts raced (like literally) the minute we stepped onto the ship omgomg hahaha ting nearly died seeing all the handsome ship crew*_* there were 2 whom were saw the previous day in Daiso, they were so enthu and kept taking pictures with us and all. Super attractive I swear, no joke!! *gasp*
I really liked the last picture a lot, but as I was trying to 'open' the cabin door, one of the older ship crew just had to walk out. He looked very annoyed hahahaha but I don't care, I really like it:( if I were to photoshop (not like I know how) would the background that he was on be seen?? i highly doubt so right... I'm a real novice in this kinda technology stuff but that's not likely I know that:(
Right shall stop being all whiney about a pic! So ting and I were sooooo happy after we left the ship and then we went on to have dinner at Ljs! Soooo long since I last had long john's. Parted after that and went home cause I was so tired already.
Time check: 12:32am on a Sunday. I'm feeling extremely sleepy while typing this so I'm just gonna sleep after this. Gotta head to school tmrw for the ILSCM camp meeting, all excited and all but the thought of having to wake up early and travel all the way to school is just so...dreary:(
Anyhoo, I'm meeting ting again on Tues afternoon to accompany her for some shopping. Her dad gave her money to buy clothes for poly (i know right).
Oki dokes, gonna hit the sheets already! Ciaoooo
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