Time passes so fast when you're having fun! I'm only left with like 1 last week of holidays before the real thing comes, all the submissions, presentations, final exams and then its internship already. So much undone work to do:/ But hey, holidays are meant for you to take a break right? So on the 19th the girls and I had an advanced Christmas celebration at Nevine's and we had so much fun! Cooked our meal as usual, with pat being the main chef and her pasta and soup turned out fab! Played kinect, watched movies and exchanged gifts. That's how life should be!

Went baking at Ting's place on the 20th, intended to make red velvet cake pops but ended up making red velvet cupcakes instead. They turned out.......kinda horrible... But acceptable for a first timer lah right. It really tastes kinda awful :/

And finally, it's the 22nd.... Xiuqin cuzz's wedding at Malaysia. Headed into Pontian on the 21st afternoon after paying respects to Granny. There was a buffet dinner at xq's place, inviting her friends and relatives and also neighbors. Food was aweeeeeesome, there was my favourite dish!! Youtiao with prawn or something wrapped inside, dipped into mayonnaise. I have no idea how many I ate that night heheh. There were a lot of people, luckily we had our food before the crowd came. Xq's jiemeis for the wedding came at about ten, ate and started with the preparation for the next morning! Slept at about 2am? Had to tie up some loose strings here and there. Woke up at 4:30am with less than 3 hours of sleep, to bathe and prepare. Had to be done by 6am and there were a lot of girls that needed the toilet. And finally, photographer and make up artist came about 5am and started doing their stuff. At about 7am, the jiemeis went to get ready and I went up to accompany xq as I'm the bridesmaid! The boys came at about 7:30am, with the sharp loud horns by 4 cars and everyone was so excited. The whole process took about 1.5 hours and off we headed to the groom's place for tea ceremony. My legs turned wobbly when I heard they had a golden retriever...but luckily they locked it cuz a huge crowd's gonna be expected that day and they didn't wanna scare people hahaha. After the ceremony, I helped xq change out of her first set of gown, into a shorter one. Went out to take some group photos and headed to pay respects to ancestors, and then to bride's place for tea ceremony. Took a break after that, where everyone had some rest while waiting for the wedding dinner at night: )
The night program was great too! Though there were some discussions about changing the walk-in part but everything was good after. First it was the groom's parents walking down the red carpet and then the bride's parents. Jiemeis and the brothers also took part where we walked down the aisle in pairs, and my partner was some guy who was a little shorter than me when I'm in heels, which is bad... But he styled his hair quite high to match me hahaha too funny! The highlight of the night to me it was the part where all lights went off, and xq's husband walked down the aisle with a bouquet of 99 roses in his hands, singing 世界唯一的你 to xq who was on stage:')
The brothers and jiemeis also went up on stage for the 'yam seng' and it was.....chaos. We were basically shouting into the mic and deafening everyone hahaha.
Though the wedding lasted for the whole day with all the preparations and all, I was so happy.

Took a lot of pics with a lot of new friends I made, shall blog again when I get the peeks!